Saturday, 1 June 2013

Questions for Creators #5 - Geof Isherwood

Questions for Creators #5 - Geof Isherwood

 By Kevin Muzzell

*Geof Isherwood is a well-known, professional artist best known for working on Marvel titles such as Conan, Sub-Mariner, Doctor Strange, and much much more talented work.

Question #1
 As someone who's done it all in the comics medium; penciling, inking, writing and even creating, which was or is most enjoyable for you?

All aspects are enjoyable, but for me the layouts are the most fun, that’s the most creative part.

Question #2
 Can you tell me, if you recall, how you got your foot in the door of Marvel Comics, working on popular titles like Conan The Barbarian, Namor The Sub-Mariner and Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme?

I visited Marvel’s offices a number of times, working on improving my art all the time, eventually being hired to draw a short 9-page story. That lead to nothing else, so I went to New York to stay, and surprisingly was given a DD story by Ralph Macchio. After a few months I ventured into Larry Hama’s office, where he edited all the barbarian titles. He started me out on a few Kull stories for SSOC, gave me storytelling lessons, and from there my work was assigned by a succession of editors who knew me already, or, in the case of Christopher Priest, a recommendation to Dan Raspler at DC to work on Suicide Squad.

Question #3
 Of all the work in your career do you have a favorite project you've worked on?

I would say Conan and Dr. Strange were my favorites.

Question #4
What are you currently working on, what upcoming projects will feature your art?

Right now I’m working for a new company in comics called Eligraphics, drawing a title called Green Force One which will feature the team in mini-series type stories. I’m also doing film work, as I have for the past 14 years, working on X-Men: Days Of Future Past, designing props and drawing storyboards.

Question #5
Between you and your late wife, who was also a talented poet, writer, painter and illustrator, was there ever any artistic competition amongst you two?

My late wife, Sonja Skarstedt, (1960-2009) and I had a great rapport of support. Our work didn’t cross-over much. She had the opportunity to develop her writing skill especially on her own work, which translated into some of the best poetry coming out of Montreal in the past 30 years.
At present, my wife Amanda Muise is also creative, and is helping me with GF1 by flat coloring the pages and finding all of the inconsistencies I have made. She’s rather good at that. And it is well appreciated! I’m a bit like Jack Kirby that way, not paying enough attention to some of the smaller details.

Question #6
How much do you enjoy going to comic conventions and expos, meeting fans face-to-face? Is there a level of excitement you build up for such occasions?

It’s always fun to go to cons, to either meet new fans or see ones we have met previous years. It’s a nice change of pace. Cons have become much better attended these past couple of years, so I don’t get the chance to meet some of the actor celebs I would like as I’m glued to my chair doing sketches. But I have had the good fortune of sitting next to artists such as Nick Bradshaw, Jim Starlin, Larry Hama and Mike Grell recently, and have had time to talk with Chris Claremont and Neal Adams, so meeting and catching up with other pros is also a benefit!

Question #7
I have to ask, will you be at this year's 2013 FanExpoToronto?

It was in the plans, but I was invited to Tampa the same weekend, and was asked to produce a poster for the show, so we will be heading down to Fla instead. I think next spring’s show in TO looks good, if I hear from those folks.